Lectures and Conferences
Initiation and Coordination of Conferences
14.03.19 Israel Bar Association, Annual Conference of the Banking Committee, Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv
22.02.18 Israel Bar Association, Annual Conference of the Banking Committee, Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv
01.01.18 Israel Bar Association (Tel Aviv District), Important Aspects in the Conduct of Bank Lawsuits
2017 Coordination (together with Prof. Moshe Gelbard) of Israel Bar Association (Nazareth District) Comprehensive Study Program on Contract Law
22.03.17 Israel Bar Association, Annual Conference on Nonbank Credit, Herod’s Hotel, Tel Aviv
16.03.17 Israel Bar Association, Annual Conference of the Banking Committee, Innovations in the Banking World, Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv
18.02.17 Conference on the Conduct of Litigation Cases, King David Hotel, Jerusalem, organized by the Knasim Conventions and Conferences Company
16.03.17 Innovations in the banking world, the annual conference of the Banking Committee, the Carlton Tel Aviv hotel
13.09.16 Israel Bar Association, Banking Committee, Seminar on New Developments in Banking Law
Lectures at Conferences
01.01.18 Important Aspects in the Conduct of Bank Lawsuits, Israel Bar Association (Tel Aviv District)
24.10.17 Lecture on Banking Contracts, Israel Bar Association (Nazareth District)
15.07.17 Israel Bar Association Annual Conference (Summer Conference), Banking Committee Session
24.05.17 Market Concentration in the Banking Sector, Israel Bar Association Annual Conference
18.02.17 Conference on the Conduct of Litigation Cases, King David Hotel, Jerusalem
13.09.16 New Developments in Banking Law, Israel Bar Association, Banking Committee
11.04.13 Credit Facilities – Rights and Obligations of Banks, Institute of Advanced Studies for Court Registrars
09.05.13 Enforcement of Mortgage Deeds and Defense Arguments against the Foreclosure of Properties, Institute of Advanced Studies for Court Registrars